
Reminder that everything or anything I write here is purely my opinion. In no way or shape should it be taken as a form of personal attack to anyone

Main ships

These are my go-to at all times! I can't get enough of them. Click on the arrows to read my thoughts and propaganda on them!

Twinleafshipping - Rival Barry/Dawn & its manga variation in Haughtyshipping (Platina/Pearl) as well as the anime's counterpart in Futabashipping (Barry/Dawn)

This ship alongside with Shadikal (see the misc. page) were my entrypoints into the shipping part of fandoms. I had no clue people did that, even though I'm certain I already liked the idea of pairing up characters with one another, one shape or form. So, needless to say it was eye opening, when I first stumbled upon those ship tribute videos.

For a bit of context: Gen 4 had YET to be released to the West and despite that, there were already SO many ship tribute videos. And even when Diamond & Pearl dropped, the rival character had YET to receive an official name. Which meant that when I was first introduced to Barry, he was known as Damion/Damian/Damien!* BUT people had already come up with a ship name for it so, people could already start working in fanarts/tributes/fanfictions.

*Fun fact: Apparently this name's origin was tied to a demo people got to try out, in one of the Nintendo events in order to promote the release of gen 4. According to people who attended it, this was one of the names you could give to your rival. But now we know it was just a placeholder of sorts, until the Platinum version and the anime came around and officialized his name as Barry/Jun. This is genuinely a byproduct of its time.

Sacredshipping - Eusine/Gym leader Morty

Coming soon!

?shipping - Mr. (Joseph) Stone/E4 member Drake

Coming soon!


I definetely enjoy them, BUT they aren't always my go-to ships like the ones above.

  • Wikierrorshipping - Champion Lance/Champion Cynthia
  • Sootopolisshipping - Gym leader Juan/Champion Wallace
  • Expertshipping - E4 member Agatha/Professor Oak
  • Colonyshipping - Professor Rowan/Professor Oak
  • pokeshipping - Ash/Misty
  • franticshipping - Ruby/Sapphire
  • Gracefulshipping - Gym leader Winona/Champion Wallace
  • Commandershipping - Team magma Tabitha/Team aqua Shelly
  • Scarfshipping - Lucas/Rival Barry/Dawn


I have seen them float around, I don't entirely support them bc I already my eyes set on other ships. BUT they are definetely on my radar. Or I used to ship them, and I no longer do.

  • Clingyshipping - Lucas/Rival Barry
  • Namelessshipping - Red/Rival Green
  • Originshipping - Champion Steven Stone/Gym leader Wallace

Never met in canon

Ships that I am into, despite the characters never directly interacting with one another anywhere in the series. At least, as I'm writing this. Arrows indicate propaganda & my thoughts on it. Turns out, most of my ships ARE from this category, thanks to all my years of roleplaying.

Wyvernshipping - E4 member Drake/Gym leader Drayden

Coming soon!

?shipping - Chairman Rose/Gym leader Juan

Shame I got this idea for a ship, while I was on my way to take a break from the Pokemon fandom. I'm not really a fan of gen 8, IMHO it's the weakest generation we ever got. HOWEVER, Chairman Rose was amongst the very select few things I enjoyed out of Galar. In my mind, he felt like he would be a fun match for Juan. And I was right with all the wonderful roleplays I got to have between these two characters. It was a shame I just never got to do a whole lot, out of them.

Cypressshipping - Champion Lance/Gym leader Morty

Coming soon!

  • Hottieshipping - Gym leader Brawly/Gym leader Morty
  • Darkaurashipping - Riley/Gym leader Morty
  • Spooktrainshipping - Ingo/Gym leader Morty
  • Soulshipping - Gym leader Sabrina/Gym leader Morty
  • Hopeshipping - Gym leader Clair/Gym leader Morty
  • Mythshipping - Gym leader Morty/Gym leader Wallace
  • VoslaarumShipping - E4 member Drasna/E4 member Drake


Stuff I won't ship, I don't like them at all, please don't approach me about them. I'm not open to changing my mind about them.

  • Honorshipping - Gym leader Falkner/Gym leader Morty
  • Pearlshipping - Ash/Dawn (Im convinced this may have been the very first EVER NOTP, I recall ever having!)
  • Advanceshipping - Ash/May
  • ?shipping - Gym leader Juan/Gym leader Kabu